Susannah Cole Liddell Obituary, Warren County, Ohio
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Obituaries With Warren County Connections

Susannah Cole Liddell

Sue Frary on 13 June 2005
The Western Star 12 March 1914 [copy obtained from microfilm available at the Warren County Genealogical Society]
buried in the Shaker Plot at Lebanon Cemetery
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Of Our Sister Susannah Cole Liddell.

Born near Union Village, Ohio, June 4th, 1824, joined the Society of Shakers in the year 1835, Departed this life March 5th, 1914, at the ripe age of 89 years, 9 months and 1 day.

For more than a year past, it has been our pleasure to minister to the daily comfort of our Sister. While we knew that her dear eyes would never be able to see the friends who longed to make her hours happy, and that the sound of their voices was quite undefined to her; yet, strangers as we had hitherto been, we rapidly formed a very happy acquaintance with the good Sister.

Early in our intimacy she would often express her gratitude to us for coming a thousand miles to care for the elderly people here. The smallest request granted, or the most trifling favor bestowed, never failed to meet the courteous response, “I thank you kindly.”

Associates of earlier days often related to us incidents of her life’s experience. These proved her devotion and faithfulness in doing for others, and assured us that our Sister merited our service of love.

“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come. In her tongue is the law of kindness. Her children shall arise up and call her blessed.” Truly, the Angel Reaper has harvested a full-ripened sheaf for the granary of Heaven. While it yet remained in the fields of Earth, awaiting a place in the Storehouse of God, we have been privileged to call from its matured wealth, choice grains of gratitude and courtesy. May these seeds of virtue take root in our hearts and increase a hundred fold in their fruitage of loving words and kindly deeds. – The Sisters from East Canterbury, N. H.

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This page created 13 June 2005 and last updated 13 June, 2005
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