Western Star 2 May 1824

Warren County Ohio GenWeb

Warren County Newspaper Transcriptions

Transcription contributed by Dorothy Wiland. Dorothy originally transcribed them for the mailing list (Warren County) and agreed they could be added here as well. Any questions about additional information should be refered to her.

Susan A. Wilson indexed the names appearing in the articles to help researchers locate their ancestors. The spellings are taken exactly as Dorothy sent them.


May 2, 1824

LOOK AT THIS The manufacturing of and repairing straw bonnetts, also repairing and whitening leghorn hats, will be found to be neatly executed and promptly attended to by Susannah Parcell & Gemima Rue, at their stand a few doors East, of Mrs. Wood's store Mulberry St. Lebanon Ohio; where from their knowledge in the above business they expect to render general satisfaction to all who may favour with their custom. S. Parcell & G. Rue April 17, 1824

LAW NOTICE, Thomas & G.D. Morris (Attornies & Counsellors at Law): Having formed a partnership, will attend to the practice of their profession in the counties composing the seventh Judicial Circuit. One of the partners may be found at their office in Lebanon, on Mulberry Street, one door east of Dr. Morris, March 5, 1824.

MEDICAL NOTICE Whereas by an act of the Legislature of the state of Ohio; passed 26th Feb. last, to regulate the practice of Physic in said State, the following named persons & their associates, to wit. Joseph Canby, John Ross, David Morris, Benjamin Dubois, Joseph Johnson, Joshua Martin, John Van Harlengen, John Cottle, Jehn John, James W. Lanier, John S. Haller, & George W. Stipp, are constituted a Medical Society for the third district; and whereas it is made the duty of the first named to give at least three weeks notice of the first meeting; therefore notice is hereby given that the first meeting will be at Lebanon on the last Tuesday in May next. Any other Physician in Warren or Green Counties who may have heretofore received a license will be entitled to membership. Joseph Canby

TAYLORING The Subscriber just having come to this place would inform the citizens thereof and its vicinity, that he has commenced the TAYLORING BUSINESS, Up stairs immediately above George Kesling's store, on Broadway, in all its various branches, having pursued this business for many years, and having made himself well acquainted with the rules of cutting while in Europe, he will insure all garments cut and made in his shop to fit; he will also, endeavour to have the latest fashions from the eastward, from his correspondent in Philadelphia.-All kinds of Regimentals, Ladies habbits plain & figured made by him. All who may favor him with their custom may expect to have their work done on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Thomas M. Jones Lebanon, May 1, 1824

EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate of John Campbell, Senr. dec'd late of Warren County, Ohio are requested to make immediate payments, and those having claims against said estate, are requested to present them legally authenticated for settlement within one year from this date to the undersigned. HENRY CAMPBELL, SAMUEL CAMPBELLL (si.) Exr's April 29, 1824

TO COOPERS The subscribers will pay cash for good merchantable pork barrels, half barrels, lard kegs & hogsheads delivered at the Pork house of J. Prince Jr. on Columbia Stret (sic.) Apply to J. Prince, or to W.D. JONES & CO. Cincinnati, April 17, 1824

COPPER MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER having recommenced business at his old stand, on Mulberry Street, a few doors east of Mc?. Henderson and Hardy's store, will receive and execute order of the shortest notice, for every description of Stills, Boilers, Fuller's and Hatter's Kettles, Stew Kettles and Tea Kettles, &c. Mending of all kinds he will also promptly attend to. JACOB SCHWING for PHINEAS ROSS Lebdon(sic), March 23, 1823


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